To deliver the best possible service to our customers, we operate an attractive crude and product tanker fleet. Our vessels vary in size from 10.000 to 175.000 dwt. divided into nine pools: Suezmax, Aframax, LR2, Panamax, LR1, MR, Handy and Small & large Intermediates. This ensures that different customer needs are met. We trade globally and work with different products: clean, dirty, chemicals and veg oil. Do you want to know more?

Vessel nameSegmentFlagBuiltDWTCapacityCoatingInertingIMOICE
Bro AnnaIntermediateSingapore200816,86719,604EpoxyIG Generator21A
Bro NissumIntermediateDenmark200816,67418,693Marine LineIG Generator21A
Bro NuukIntermediateDenmark200816,63118,754Marine LineIG Generator21A
Canal StreetMRLiberia201244,99652,111EpoxyFlue Gas
Cape BenatSuezmaxMarshall Islands2010156,641171,259UncoatedFlue Gas1C
Cape TaftPanamaxMarshall Islands200873,71181,276EpoxyIG Generator3
Cape TallinPanamaxMarshall Islands200873,66284,114EpoxyFlue Gas3
Cape TampaPanamaxMarshall Islands200973,71984,106EpoxyFlue Gas3
Cape TauraPanamaxMarshall Islands200773,63381,311EpoxyFlue Gas3
Cape TeesPanamaxMarshall Islands200973,73181,271EpoxyFlue Gas3
Cape TempestPanamaxMarshall Islands200873,72081,590EpoxyFlue Gas3
CapitalMRIndia200851,60352,142EpoxyIG Generator3